Monday, March 29, 2010

Mountain Air and Easter Eggs.

We have driven up to Jackson Hole for a dose of good friends, clear mountain air, and even a few turns on the white stuff! The 11 hour drive from Vegas was a little brutal, complete with dog and toddler, but I did what every food-loving mother and wife does: stock the car with Gogi berries, nuts, fruit, deliciously decadent KIND snack bars and some healthy alternatives to coffee, to keep our eyes open. Hilariously, we only made it through two tanks of gas before my husband decided that a bag full of Twizzlers and a huge packet of Pringles were the order of the day. As I turned from the driver's seat to see both my boys grinning widely at the taste-sensation of these 'fake' foods, the Gogi berries unopened at their feet, I had to smile. Good intentions and all that...!!

Which brings me to my next point. Easter. Eggs. Chocolate. A dieter's nightmare, and a mother's quandary! This year, I decided it was time to pick up a family tradition we had when I was a child; my mother would fill beautifully decorated cardboard eggs, with tiny surprises. The eggs, popular in Europe and a great substitute for their chocolate counterparts, are part of my childhood, and memories of Easter morning yielding lip gloss or earrings are as 'normal' for me as chocolate eggs are for others! Much to my delight, I managed to find some of these cardboard eggs in Williams Sonoma and have duly filled them with fun surprises for the boys (think a bike-riding spiderman for one and a plethora of tiny treats for the other!).

It's not that I'm anti-chocolate. In fact, I love it more than I admit to. It's just that I know there will, without doubt, be a huge amount of it this Easter, and this is my way of reducing my own personal chocolate mountain. I must add that my son has rather a similar view of chocolate to his mother - pure love - and due to the terrible two's being even more terrible after too much, unlimited supply is definitely not advisable! In addition, my husband is one of those annoying humans who can have one bite of chocolate, and then not want anymore for 4 months. Seriously. So we all really know why he's not getting a chocolate egg. It's not really about him, it's more about me saving myself from the impending battle with my conscience for the next 4 months if I have an uneaten egg sitting in my kitchen. After all, I couldn't throw away HIS egg?!!

For those of you who are looking forward to a chocolate-filled Easter. Enjoy it! It's only once a year, and there are some great quality chocolates out there (I have written about the health benefits of this delicious food in a former blog)! For others who might be filled with dread at having such an attack on the willpower, and for whom cardboard eggs just aren't going to cut it, remember that chocolate is very good at being frozen! When the day/celebration is over, simply crush down all your left over eggs and put them in an airtight bag in the freezer. When the time comes to make that chocolate cake or delicious desert, melt your egg-leftovers as you would regular chocolate bars and bingo - no waste, no absurd levels of over-indulgence, no impossible-to-resist challenges to the New Years Resolutions ... and no need for cardboard eggs!

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

‘It’s not in here …. ‘

Yesterday I was unexpectedly house-bound with a sick toddler in tow. Needless to say, it was a day that I had a zillion things planned … one of which was to do a grocery shop while he was at school that morning. I had, as per normal, let my refrigerator and pantry sink to an embarrassingly bare level, with the goal being that on Tuesday morning I would be able to fast-track my week’s shopping because I wouldn’t have a pair of little legs or a pluthora of questions following my every move! All the best plans, and all that …. !

Within a matter of moments of calling my best friend here in Vegas, she had arrived at my door with all that an ailing toddler could want in the name of the ‘B.R.A.T’ diet (Banana, Rice, Applesauce and Toast), so as far as I could think at that point in time, we were all set to let this stomach gripe ride it’s journey.

Hilariously, the stomach gripe and toddler were the easy part. My biggest enemy was myself … aka, the wandering, slightly bored, less-than-stimulated mind, who had hoped to be doing a million things OTHER than sitting at home doing puzzles and cleaning floors! By about 11.30am after a pretty unexciting breakfast earlier in the day, I started wondering about what I would have for lunch. My son’s was sorted. BRAT or nothing. I, on the other hand, looked feverishly between fridge and cupboard until I really had to say out loud ‘no, there is nothing more exciting there. Deal with it’. This rather amusing moment (especially in hindsight!) reminded me of a great girlfriend here who, although much more adept at staying at home with her children, told me that she had recently written a note and put it on the refrigerator door. It reads something like ‘It’s Not In Here’. I love it. Suddenly I felt the need to do the same – but possibly staple it across both my pantry and refrigerator door so that neither could be opened again!!

The inter-connectedness between emotion and food has been the topic of thousands upon thousands of studies, and there are millions of people out there who are more qualified to write about it than me, but there it was, experienced first hand by Yours Truly, plain for all to see. I wasn’t hungry. I was frustrated and bored.

Thankfully, I don’t keep any deliciously decadent or nutritionally ‘naughty’ snacks in my house. I obviously know myself better than I think, and although these cupboard-scanning moments are less frequent than they could be, when the urge arrives, my senses are professionally honed into finding any ‘treat’ that might be hiding in my home!

Looking back, what I missed the most were a stock of apples (yes, plain old apples), which are my go-to when I have an attack of the ‘munchies’. I love apples. Sweet, crunchy and juicy. And apparently, I rely on them a hell of a lot more than I had thought! It just goes to show that the advice I so often give my clients ‘to surround yourself with good, easy, fresh foods so that you can make good choices when you feel like a snack’ really does help … and while no food should ever be consumed for any other reason than hunger, if emotion does push you towards the pantry, try and steer yourself to the fruit bowl! Hopefully it will yield more than mine did; a couple of slightly-passed-their-sell-by-date-lemons. 100% Useless.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lettuce-‘less’ salads …

Today marks the first day of spring, and as the weather warms (in Vegas, at least!), so our natural inclination is to move towards cooler foods. Suddenly soups and pastas are replaced by salads and sandwiches, and so here I wanted to challenge the traditional concept of the ‘salad’.

Last night my girlfriend had my son and me over for dinner. She made to-die-for enchiladas, and I brought the salad. As I was throwing it together at home, I decided that if I left out the lettuce, the three children (spanning the ages of 2-5) might even like it ….. So I raided my fridge and freezer and filled my salad bowl with all things colorful and delicious … but no leaves. When I arrived at my friend’s house, she exclaimed with glee ‘oh, wow, this hasn’t got any lettuce in it … it’s what my husband and I LOVE, and we named it the ‘lettuce-less salad’!

I have to say, there are some days when you rather feel like you are wading through the ‘good-for-you’ green leaves in order to have a taste of all the goodies at the bottom of the bowl … and on those days, I say ‘go lettuce-less’! Not only was the salad a nutritional powerhouse, but the kids love it too. Bonus!

And it was SO easy…. I scraped the kernels of corn off a freshly cooked corn cob, sliced some deliciously sweet cherry tomatoes in half, and finely sliced celery, carrots and apple before throwing them all in a bowl. Finally, I added some edemame which had been ‘cooking as I cut’! Easy! (and if I had had some sweet spring radishes, they would have made the salad 110%!).

The kids ate it un-dressed, and before I served it to my sweet friend and her husband, I tossed some home-made Italian vinaigrette through it to give it a bit of a kick. If you are curious: 4 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of white balsamic vinegar, a heaped teaspoon of Dijon mustard, a teaspoon of agave syrup, salt and pepper to taste, and a good, hard shake! Delicious.

So don’t be put off by the bag of unwashed leaves looking at you from the refrigerator … and while I’m a huge fan of all-things-green-and-leafy, there are times when we should change up even the best things in life, especially if it pleases every mouth in the house! And if you’re looking for a one-bowl-wonder to have on a summer’s evening, just add some garbanzo beans, or kidney beans … and/or feta cheese … and you’re done. Simple, fresh, nutritious and … well, yes, delicious! Yum.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Supplements .... expensive nonsense or nurturing nutrients?

I’m often asked about the validity of taking nutritional supplements … are they an unnecessary strain on a tight budget which end up being excreted anyway, or do they really serve their purpose and improve health and wellbeing?

The answer is not simple, and, to my mind, is individual-specific. If your diet is lacking in certain vitamins and minerals, then your body probably is too. Or if you need more of a specific nutrient than the ‘average’ person, it’s often tough to meet these requirements through food alone, and this is where supplements play a part in staying healthy.

Case in point, recent tests have shown that I have a mutation to a gene which is associated with folic acid metabolism … my doctor has prescribed me a supplement which includes 3mg of the active form of this vitamin (among others). In order to get this from my food, I would have to eat 11 ½ cups of cooked spinach. DAILY. And this assumes that it’s being cooked appropriately to maintain the maximum amount of nutrients. Now, while I am definitely a ‘food first’ practitioner, this would be extreme, even for me! Bring on the little purple pill. Sorry, liver.

As proven here, there is no ‘one-formula-fits-all’ approach with regards to supplements. What is enough for one person, is quite possibly too much for another. That said, one of the most common supplements taken in today’s age is a calcium supplement, so I thought I’d write a quick spiel on how best to approach this supplement if you are one of the many individuals who has a need for more than his or her diet can provide (think: dairy-intolerance, familial osteoporosis, leg-cramps at night, facial (including eye) twitches, brittle nails … among others).

There is a general debate about whether Calcium Citrate or Calcium Carbonate are the best forms of supplement and this is worthy of another blog. In a nutshell, the main thing to look at is the amount of ‘elemental Calcium’ in the supplement. This is not the total content, and varies with supplement brand and content. If you are taking Calcium Citrate, it can be taken at any time during the day. If you are taking Calcium Carbonate, it is better absorbed when taken after food or an acidic drink at the very least (such as orange juice). Vitamin D is very important to calcium absorption so they are best taken together, and taking no more than 500mg of Calcium at any one time is key to maximizing your absorption of this mineral.

In addition, it’s worthy to note that sugar is thought to increase Calcium excretion (so think twice before pairing that ‘milk and cookies’ combo!), and absorption is impaired by foods which contain oxalates: nuts, berries, leafy greens (kale, collard greens, spinach etc), parsley, amaranth, beets and chocolate/cocoa so try and take your supplement a couple of hours before or 3 hours after eating these foods.

I am consciously not recommending a particular ‘level’ of Calcium supplementation because again, it depends on the individual’s needs and diet … if you need more personal advice, please feel free to contact me directly.

In general, I recommend a varied, colorful, fresh and ‘clean’ diet, with lots of fiber and water. However, as in the case of your truly(!), there are individuals who are unable to meet their unique needs through diet alone, and need supplementation to maintain optimal health. In these cases, make sure you are educated about your needs and as a general rule of thumb, do not supplement with single nutrients alone …. they are symbiotic by nature, as shown by the lack of ‘vitamin C trees’ growing out there …bring on the oranges and lemons …

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cutting out caffeine … really.

As we run, like hamsters on a treadmill, after the coat-tails of our own lives, caffeine has become a powerful and sometimes essential ally. In fact, caffeine is the most commonly used ‘psychoactive’ drug in the world, with approximately 80% of the world’s population consuming it on a daily basis. Its health benefits and consequences are subject enough for a few thousands blogs alone, but here I am going to describe some good caffeine-substitutions for those of you who have decided to try the treadmill without the stimulus!

It is first important to make the point that ‘decaffeinated’ rarely means ‘without any trace of caffeine’. I could bore you with statistics from recent trials which show how much caffeine was found in various ‘decaffeinated’ drinks, but instead, just take my word for it …. If you don’t want caffeine, I recommend you pick a totally different option.
I also want to preface this with the fact that chocolate, of course, is a source of caffeine (as are many energy drinks and soft drinks). Here, I am strictly suggesting alternatives for your Starbucks run, not your chocolate brownie recipe!

Making the switch from coffee or caffeinated tea to their caffeine-free counterparts is easiest done in 3 parts: 1) decide what roll caffeine plays in your life (think: habitual, emotional, fatigue-fighting …?), 2) decide what element of your caffeine-containing drink you like best (think: the fact it’s hot, the fact it’s milky/sweet, the fact it’s associated with friends/treats/doing something for yourself, its ‘pick-me-up’ property … 3) find a substitute which fills as many of the roles as possible, without containing the caffeine.

What I mean is, if you enjoy the milky sweetness of a vanilla latte, deciding to cut caffeine out of your day and choosing a mint tea really isn’t going to fulfill you for very long, but a vanilla Rooibos latte might just fill the void!

Here is a short list to help navigate the ‘caffeine-free’ options, (I should add that this does not include any caffeine-alternatives which contain stimulants such as Yerba Mate).

Rooibos tea / Redbush tea / Bush tea / Red tea: This is my favorite choice if I’m wanting a hot tea which tastes good with milk/soy milk. This herbal tea is very popular in South Africa and in some coffee shops it is even sold as a coffee-alternative, serving concentrated rooibos in the style of an espresso. Rooibos has a high level of antioxidants, no caffeine, and very low levels of tannin.

Ginger tea, Peppermint tea, Chamomile tea and other common ‘herbal’ teas: These are great options if you’re looking for alternatives to black tea or green tea (ie, you are not wanting the ‘milky’ taste).
Ginger is well known for its digestive support (for both indigestion and nausea) and has a spicy, invigorating taste.
Peppermint also has a role to play in soothing digestive discomforts, and is also used to fight congestion and cough related to colds and allergies.
Chamomile tea is soothing and thought to relieve muscle spasms (helping with women’s menstrual cramps) and boost the immune system.

Herbal ‘coffees’ such as ‘Teeccino’: These vary by name and brand but are generally a blend of herbs, grains, fruits and nuts which are free of caffeine and deliver a similar-tasting, full-bodied drink comparable to coffee. I definitely recommend experimenting with this small group of coffee-substitutes if you miss the heavy-body of the coffee-drink as this cannot be simulated with a cup of tea … I don’t think!

If it’s the stimulating effect of coffee which has you going back for more, there are definitely other, ‘cleaner’ options to try. Green tea is often touted as a great ‘coffee alternative’ but if it’s the caffeine you’re trying to avoid, this won’t work. Maybe I will blog about caffeine-free stimulant drinks another time…until then, enjoy experimenting with these substitutes, unless of course, you’re too tired ….

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Swim Las Vegas ...

I have recently started contributing to a great newsletter published by Swim Las Vegas, a company geared towards helping triathletes in the Las Vegas area increase their speed through water! What's so great about Swim Las Vegas is that they are geared towards both amateur and advanced athletes and I'd go so far as to say that even if you were not a triathlete, but wanted to strengthen your swimming ability, Swim Las Vegas can definitely help. My husband is presently under their guidance (think: complete annihilation of present technique and re-build of more efficient - buoyant - stroke!), and is reaping the benefits of fabulous coaching in an encouraging yet disciplined environment.

So - where does nutrition fit into this? Well, my first and most recent contribution to their monthly newsletter is about how best to fuel your work-outs, and so really does apply to any athlete, triathlete or not. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it's useful for the health-conscious layman who enjoys working up a sweat, even if she or he never wished to cross a competitive starting line in their life!

If you are interested in learning more about how you can best prepare your body for physical activity (whether that be a 30 minute trip to the gym or a 5-hour training session both on land and in water ...), go to and download the newsletter to read my full article. If you are simply bored of my take on nutrition but really need the help of a good swim coach, I still highly recommend visiting !

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Snacking Healthily ... in airports!

I was recently delayed at San Francisco airport for a number of hours (over 5, to be precise), and since I can be a self-confessed emotional snacker (in particular when boredom or frustration strikes), I became very well acquainted with my healthy snack options!

Eating healthily while traveling is difficult. I can't sugar-coat this fact. And while I absolutely recommend trying to bring your own snacks from home, this isn't always possible (especially when your hand-luggage is filled with toddler-trivia for the flight, the all-important DVD player and a vital-unless-you're-clueless change of clothes lest the potty-trained prince has an accident....)!

However, while I perused the snack-stands as I tried to while away my frustration and morph closer towards my Zen-like husband who didn't seem at all fazed by the increasing delay to our flight, I found a new line of snacks produced by Seapoint Farms which are absolutely brilliant! The three snacks on offer were based around dry roasted edamame (edamame are young soy beans which are often served in Japanese restaurants in the pod, but which in this case had been shelled and roasted), and were either plain, mixed with organic goji berries, or had been flavored with wasabi. Due to the nature of edamame, these snacks were filled with protein and fiber, while being low in fat and sugars. To top it off, all of Seapoint's edamame are non-GMO (this means they have not been genetically modified), and there really aren't any additives or preservatives. The ingredient list is literally 3 words long. Score! I chose the edamame/goji berry mixture; simple and delicious, and filled with antioxidants thanks to the addition of these ‘superberries’. Even my toddler thought they were worth a few minute’s distraction from ‘Nemo’; high praise indeed! I highly recommend trying to seek them out next time you are looking for something healthy to please both your palate and your body!
For more information on this company and to see their other products, go to

My other snack of choice was one I often recommend to clients, and which are, thankfully, finding their way into an increasing number of vendors. These are the 'KIND' bars made in Australia and full of natural ingredients you can actually see. Not only are these bars made of simple, real foods (their ingredient list is also impressively short), but all the bars are free of wheat, dairy and gluten, the ingredients are non-GMO, and they have a good serving of fiber (due to the fact they contain whole foods). In addition, they have a low glycemic index (which means that the sugars in the bars do not hit your blood stream in a sudden rush, giving you that well-known 'rise' and then 'drop' in energy while also putting pressure on your blood-sugar mechanisms). To top it off, KIND donates 5% of profits to the PeaceWorks Foundation's programs to foster co-existence in the world. So you're being good to not only your body, but to your conscience too. For more information:

So, if you do find yourself searching for something to tantalize your taste buds without risking your health, keep your eyes out for these. While I'd obviously have benefited from an exercise in meditation, I have to say that these healthy snacks came a close second in their ability to calm my mind and nourish my soul!